About me

From as far back as I can recall, photography has been a profound passion of mine. I would meticulously spend countless hours perusing old photograph albums, intently observing the lighting, composition, and emotive essence each photograph conveyed. Early on, I discerned the immense power photography possesses and the significance of meticulously documenting life’s cherished moments for future generations. Each photograph captivated me with its ability to transport me back in time and narrate a compelling story. Black and white photographs particularly resonated with me, possessing the unique ability to simultaneously suspend and transcend time. Over the years, taking thousands and thousands of photographs, initially utilizing film and subsequently developing countless photographs. My enduring love for photography led me to acquire my first digital camera in 2006. Thereafter, through the journey of motherhood, I dedicated myself to documenting my children’s lives. It was during this period that I realized my aspiration to transform my passion for photography into a fulfilling career. While I cherished all forms of photography, weddings swiftly captured my heart. The joy inherent in weddings and the opportunity to collaborate with couples on the most significant day of their lives ignited a deep passion within me. With the unwavering support of experienced wedding photographers, I immersed myself in learning every aspect of wedding photography.

Over the past decade, I have dedicated myself to the art of wedding photography, capturing the essence of love and joy in my home state, Rhode Island, as well as Southern New England and destinations worldwide. Each wedding unfolds as a unique tapestry, inspiring me with its intricate details and heartfelt moments. Surrounded by the captivating beauty of our coastal state, my lens captures the essence of the ocean and beaches, creating images that transcend time.

When I am not immersed in the world of weddings, I find solace in the simplicity of family life, spending time with my beloved children and husband, preferably at the beach. My free time is enriched by fostering dogs, nurturing my garden, and immersing myself in live music, with Phish holding a special place in my heart.

Elizabeth Watsky • Photographer